My Take: New Year’s resolution – don’t get murdered

My New Year’s resolution is to not die for my faith. I’d hoped that 2012 would bring a revolution among Muslims and Muslim-majority nations to free oppressed minds. Yet I find myself still waiting to not die.  That’s the “curse” of being an Ahmadi Muslim in too much of the Muslim world. Ahmadi Muslims believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) is the long awaited messiah and Mahdi the Prophet Mohammed foretold, sent to unite mankind and establish peace. But this isn’t …

History of Rabwah

It was in the August of 1947 that Pakistan got its independence, and the 2nd head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at the time His Holiness Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad worked side by side with Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan. And at times when Jinnah had given up on the idea of Pakistan he forced him to rejoin politics and work for the cause of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947 most of …

An Ahmadi’s Open Letter to Pakistani Media

Dear friends in the media, Salutations, I’m a Pakistani Ahmadi Muslim. I know you haven’t read these three words in a single sentence because of an amendment made to the constitution of our country that precludes the composition of such a statement; legally! Still, I have to be what I am. This trinity of nationality-sect-religion is experienced by most of you but I am the only one who is not allowed to venture in this domain of nomenclature. While many …