What you need to know about Pakistan’s New Cyber-Crime Law

The notorious Cyber Crime bill passed by the National Assembly with only 9% of its 342 members is now a law. The bill which has been termed Draconian by almost every other Public media outlet has some extremely upsetting features that if allowed to be implemented will be nothing short of a calamity for the nation of Pakistan and its people. Particularly the younger, social media generation. The act which has been given the title of the ‘Prevention of Electronic …

My Take: New Year’s resolution – don’t get murdered

My New Year’s resolution is to not die for my faith. I’d hoped that 2012 would bring a revolution among Muslims and Muslim-majority nations to free oppressed minds. Yet I find myself still waiting to not die.  That’s the “curse” of being an Ahmadi Muslim in too much of the Muslim world. Ahmadi Muslims believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) is the long awaited messiah and Mahdi the Prophet Mohammed foretold, sent to unite mankind and establish peace. But this isn’t …