Mansura Minhas

Mansura B. Minhas resides in Miami, FL with her husband and three children. Mansura is a regular contributor to the Ahmadiyya Gazette, a monthly magazine of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, published from Silver Spring MD.

Pakistan – A State gone awry

The accounts of the torture meted out to Abdul Qudoos Ahmad, an Ahmadi school teacher, are gory and mind numbing. The fact that police were complicit in this heinous act exacerbates the woes of his bereaved family. Their plight is unimaginable; the guardians of justice – who are expected to provide recourse, are the culprits here. This is not the first time that humanity has been shamed in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Ahmadis have been rendered outcasts in their …

Everyone in Pakistan is a ‘minority’ now

On July 11, another Ahmadi Muslim was martyred in Nawab Shah, Sindh. The killer shouted the Khatam-e-Nabawwat slogan as he shot Malik Mabroor Ahmad pointblank. This happened amidst a huge crowd and no one except the deceased’s brother chased the attacker. Malik Mabroor’s family has a long history of persecution; his late father was imprisonment in the late 80’s under Ziaul Haq’s blasphemy laws, one brother was beaten and tortured and their properties have been usurped and looted. However, this …

Pakistan’s obsession with religion

Nadeem Paracha laments about Pakistanis celebrating Islamic history outside Pakistan. (DAWN: Talking tall- July 10) Muslim thinkers of the sub-continent repeatedly drilled such pan-Islamism and Allama Iqbal fostered this ideology in these words: Aik Hoon Muslim Haram Ki Pasbani Kay Liyay Neel Kay Sahal Sey Lay Kar Tabkhake Kashgher (I am a Muslim to protect the Sacred House from the shores of Nile to Kashgher) If Pakistanis are obsessed with Islam, it comes as no surprise as history books are …