I suffered Kidney & Heart fatal diseases, out of the blue, suddenly in the Spring of 2011- A. D.I humbly requested Khalifa-Tul-Masih V to pray & intervene for me in the Court Yard of Allah as the Promised Messiah had prayed and intervened for the son (Nawabzada Abdul-Raheem Khalid ) of Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan(ra) mentioned and referred to in his Khutba Jumma on the 6th May, 2011 at Bait-ul-Futuh Mosque, while I was listening intently , ailing extremely seriously, painfully sitting on the right of Hadhoor in front of him, occasionally, glancing on his heavenly blessed face.

As I had had been, unconsciously, feeling a strange sensation of foreboding of my “DEMISE”- an inspiration from my Guardian Angel. Inadvertently, but with full certainty of my unshakeable belief in the KHALIFA and THE RIGHTEOUS KHALIFAT-E-AHMADIYYA that I wrote to my IMAM & BELOVED HADHOOR, imploring most humbly requesting him to pray for me,
as the Promised Messiah had prayed for the son of Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan (ra), when I reached home, the same Friday, and posted the Special Prayer Request Letter next day. The subsequent events and incidents in my life at The Kings College Hospital, London revealed and gradually unfolded the PLAN and Design of my ALLAH for an ordinary insignificant foot- soldier of AHMADIYYAT in MAY and JUNE, 2011 of which ALLAH had assured me, almost a half a Century ago in a ” CLESTIAL DREAM ” narrated with utmost gratitude to ALMIGHTY ALLAH on page 32 in my Autobiography- An Ahmadiyya Muslim published in London in 2010.

A poetic expression of my real story as a recipient of ALLAH and THE KHALIFA-TUL-MASIH V’s LOVE, FORGIVENESS and MERCY BEING A MUTTEEULLAH – THE DAI – e – ILLALLAH of ISLAM – AHMADIYYAT.